Wednesday, October 19, 2011

floor lamp project

for quite some time i was looking for the “perfect” floor lamp.  i was surprised at how difficult it was to find something that i actually liked, that went with our style and didn’t break the bank.  i was so thrilled when i found this lamp from pottery barn.

i was debating between this lamp and one other lamp, but unfortunately after calling seven (can you tell i wanted the lamp?) of their stores, i had no luck finding either one so i could actually see it in person.  so – I took a chance and ordered it.  i was so excited for it to arrive!  it finally came in – and it was just blah.  nothing special and really not even our style.  it looked more like italian marble, not shabby as i had hoped.  plus, even though they pictured the lamp next to a white couch in the catalog, it really didn’t work well with our white couch.  i was so disappointed.  i try to be pretty thrifty, and it was a bit of a splurge for me to spend that much on a lamp (which i really didn’t need) plus i had to pay for shipping since i couldn’t find it in the store.  i was torn with returning it since i had already spent the money to ship it ….so i decided to get out my paintbrush and paint it! 
i’ve painted quite a few of the pieces in our house, but had never had to paint a new piece of furniture – most were just pieces that i found at flea markets or on craigslist.
it was a bit of trial and error.  i wanted a grey lamp.  well let me tell you – there are a TON of different shades of grey.  i was driving my family mad asking them “this color or this one” and then when they would pick a color – i still wasn’t sold (and usually picked the opposite color from what they picked).  i did end up buying two different shades of grey since i wasn’t happy with the first color.  once i realized how little paint i really needed i was able to buy a small sample jar of the paint for only $2.50!!  i was so stoked to finally get a bargain :)
this project required a lot of sanding – since the lamp had almost a plaster like substance all over it to create the “worn” look.  to achieve a smoother look i would have had to sand quite a bit longer, but i was fine to have it look more distressed.

i went back & forth with the type of finish i wanted, but am really pleased with the results.  it works great with our other furniture and is a completely unique piece.
don’t be afraid to make something your own – by changing it up a bit!  we now have an one of a kind lamp that no one else has :)

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