Monday, November 7, 2011

blue mondays

color makes me happy....especially blue.  there's something about it - my eyes automatically are drawn to any picture with blue in it :)  so to help get rid of my monday blues - i've decided to run a reoccurring post every monday featuring fun finds i've found online.

today's "blue monday" is inspired by anthropologie :)

 would love to have a few of these blue chairs around my table

 i have this vase & love it! 

 i always forget about jewelry, but i really love wearing it :)

 i have absolutely no room in my house for these tables - maybe outside? they are so fun & would add so much color to any space :)

love anthropologie dresses - too bad one dress typically clears out my clothing budget :(

more blue monday finds next week!  hope your week is great :)


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